I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of English Linguistics (IfLA) at the University of Stuttgart. I did my PhD in General Linguistics at the University of Göttingen (Germany) as part of the XPrag.de project Exhaustivity in Cleft Sentences and at the University of Graz (Austria) in the Research group theoretical and empirical linguistics . My dissertation is concerned with the discourse function of German es-clefts and proposes a question-based discourse model that includes discourse expectations.

My research interests are located at the semantics-pragmatics interface, in particular the following topics:

  • Cleft sentences in German (and other languages)
  • Expectations in discourse
  • Information structure
  • Experimental pragmatics
  • Formal (QUD-based) discourse modelling
  • Probabilistic pragmatics / Information theory

I teach courses in semantics, pragmatics, syntax, and the interfaces at BA and MA level (see my courses here).

Outside of academia, I enjoy bouldering, rock climbing, and singing in the choir.